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JetLag Festival -Neoteric. USA. The Stranniki

June 21, 2024 - June 23, 2024

21-23 June – Upstate NY
JetLag Festival -Neoteric
 At JetLag Festival  you’ll hear everything from avant garde rock to Balkan wave and Klezmer; from psychedelic trance to Slavic folk and sung poetry; reggae, rap, cabaret, experimental math rock, and if that’s not enough, we promise, it’ll get weirder. The Stranniki – Psoy Korolenko and Polina Shepherd will present their newly recorded (and hopefully, published) album.
Peaceful valley campsites. 191 Bear Island, Downsville, NY 13755.
Have you ever heard the word Neoteric before?
Do you know its meaning?
What do you think it is?
Neo is the easy part. Certainly, it means new. And what is “-teric’’? The Ancient Greek suffix -τερος is an equivalent of the English “-er’ or “-est”. For example, ἐσωτερικός (esō-terikós, esoteric) loosely means “deeper, deepest”. So Neoteric means newer, newest, or just recent, fresh, young.
The word Neoteric is rather rare. It is ancient and precious. It has existed in English since the late 16th century, but was preceded by older synonyms such as just “modern”, which came to English earlier. So this word is old and new. Its own destiny showcases the dialectic of the Old and the New, the mystery of centuries that stand in front of each other, exchanging secrets, recipes and spells.
In Ancient Rome, there were poets who called themselves Neoteric. Among them were the legendary Vergilius and Catullus, whose lyrics still rock. These masters defied the mainstream of their generation with intricate craftsmanship, playfulness, freedom, and experiment. But here is one more thing: these poets themselves were part of a bigger continuity. They encapsulated an awesome tradition, mystical, and mysterious. THE TRADITION OF BEING NEW!
Over millennia, many other artists, collectives, communities, movements, carried, cherished, nurtured this tradition. Even if they did not actually brand themselves “Neoteric”, this is what they were. And so is JetLAG. And this is what makes JetLAG always unique and continuously relevant: the harmony of heritage and innovation, of reminiscence and foresight. It bridges the known and the freshly-discovered. We don’t merely hold onto traditions; we evolve them. We recognize the allure of reinvention and passionately delve into the art of starting anew.
Welcome to the evernew!
Welcome to Neoteric! Welcome to JetLAG-2024!

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JetLag Festival -Neoteric. USA. The Stranniki


June 21, 2024
June 23, 2024
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Peaceful Valley Campsite
485 Banker Rd
Downsville, United States NY 13755
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